Advisor to the Rector tasks

1. He is personally responsible for the high-quality, reliable and timely preparation of materials, proposals and draft documents in accordance with his functional duties and reports directly to the branch rector;
2. Performs work on organizational and technical support of organizational and administrative work;
3. The rector accepts all the documents reviewed, hands them over to structural units or a specific executive for use in the process of execution or preparation of answers in accordance with the decision;
4. Performs the necessary work for collecting, processing and presenting information in the process of making decisions;
5. Receives documents and reports for the Rector's signature;
6. Prepares documents and materials necessary for the work of the Rector;
7. Organizes telephone conversations of the petitioners, in the absence of the rector, receives the information received through the receiver and conversation device (telefax, telex, etc.), as well as telephone messages and communication channels, and takes into account its content. draws attention;
8. Sends letters, requests and other documents according to the rector's instructions, gives answers to the authors of the letters;
9. Performs work on preparation of meetings and meetings of leaders (collection of necessary materials, determination of time and place, agenda, registration notices);
10. Provides the rector's workplace with the necessary organizational, technological, administrative documents, creates conditions that help the rector to work effectively;
11. Organizes the reception of guests, quickly considers the requests and suggestions of employees;
12. Conducts work according to the approved nomenclature, ensures their safety and submits them to the archive in a timely manner;
13. Performs other functions in accordance with the division of duties;
14. Unquestioningly fulfills the duties of the service and strictly observes the internal work procedure;
15. Regularly improves his professional and professional level;
16. Full, timely and quality implementation of tasks, functions and obligations assigned to him in the regulations of the department (department), use of the powers and rights granted to him in accordance with the law , is also responsible for the correct and accurate execution of management decisions, orders, instructions and assignments.