Regulatory documents

Type of document / issued by whom Date Document name
1 Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan 17.08.2019 About establishment of Kokand University Andijan branch
2 the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovations of the Republic of Uzbekistan 13.12.2023 LICENSE for activities in the field of providing non-state educational services
3 Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan 27.06.2017 About the approval of the regulations on the procedure for admission to higher education institutions, transfer, reinstatement and expulsion of students
4 Decree of Kokan University 27.06.2017 Comprehensive program for the development of Kokand University Andijan branch for 2021-2025
5 Decree of Kokan University 27.06.2017 Academic evaluation procedure
6 Statute of Kokan University 27.06.2017 Regulation on the Department of Development of Startup and Innovative Entrepreneurship
7 Statute of Kokan University 27.06.2017 Regulation on the introduction of the ECTS credit-module system into the educational process at Kokand University Andijan branch
8 Statute of Kokan University 27.06.2017 Regulation on the introduction of the ECTS credit-module system into the educational process at Kokand University Andijan branch
9 Statute of Kokan University 27.06.2017 Charter of Kokan University