Vice-rector for scientific affairs and innovations

Iminov To‘xtasin

Vice rektor

Iminov To‘xtasin

Reception days
Monday - Saturday, 10:00 - 18:00

Telephone: +998735453333

Fax: +998735453333

Vice-rector for scientific affairs and innovations tasks

1. Organization of the implementation of the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decrees and orders of the President, decisions of the Oliy Majlis and the Cabinet of Ministers in the field of education and personnel training;
2. Organization of educational and teaching-methodical work based on state educational standards and training of qualified personnel;
3. Ensuring that all deans and heads of departments, heads of departments and pedagogues are fully aware of the set of requirements for the content of knowledge and the level of preparation in accordance with state educational standards;
4. To organize the implementation of the orders, orders and instructions of the higher authorities, the decisions of the University branch council and the orders of the rector on issues related to the educational process;
5. To study the development trends of the educational system of advanced countries, methods and tools for the implementation of the tasks specified in the Law "On Education", the National Program of Personnel Training and other laws related to education. development and ensuring their implementation;
6. Organization of advanced forms of teaching, including distance learning, introduction of new pedagogical and information and communication technologies and their effective use in the educational process;
7. Preparation of suggestions for improvement of educational and teaching-methodical work and organization of work;