Rector's Secretariat tasks

1. Sign all documents received from higher organizations and the rectorate, including orders, orders, letters and applications, register them in a separate book and present them directly to the head;
2. Ensuring that the documents to be given to the head of the relevant department or department for execution are signed and the exact execution period is indicated;
3. To multiply and distribute the documents specified to be delivered to the department or department in the required amount and sign them based on the list (except for letters from the Ministry of Education and Culture);
4. Sending documents for execution according to the Rector's instructions;
5. To ensure that the documents sent with the signature of the rector are recorded and properly formalized;
6. Strictly keep track of incoming documents, printing forms with details of the University branch, and do not allow them to be damaged;
7. To sew the executed documents in the appropriate bundles according to the established procedure;
8. Keeping track of the actual execution of each incoming document;
9. Signing and handing over the incoming document to the executor specified by the rector's specific task, with specified deadlines, and taking the document back after execution;
10. Formalization of completed documents for submission to the departmental archive.
11. All documents from higher organizations are subject to the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 12 dated 12.01.1999 "On measures to strengthen executive discipline", Cabinet of Ministers No. 140 dated March 29, 1999 No. 140 of the Republic of Uzbekistan to ensure that each clause of the documents is submitted in the manner specified in the instructions approved by the decision on "Approval of regulatory documents on the organization of work and executive control in state authorities and management bodies" and that each clause of the documents is fully executed and released from control by the rector;
12. "Registering references and service trip certificates in a separate book" of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
13. Registration of all types of appeals based on the law "On Appeals of Individuals and Legal Entities", execution by the head of the department with the rector's resolution, and response letters to the higher organization and the author of the appeal ensure shipment;
14. Thorough knowledge of information and communication technologies;
15. Compliance with the internal rules of the university branch, rules of etiquette and dress code.